This web site was built as a place for students in Amy Goodloe's Spring 2010 WRTG 3020 classes at CU Boulder to publish their persuasive essays. I've since created a network of web sites for that purpose off of my domain name: gendersex.net. Please visit that site to learn more about the Rhetoric of Gender and Sexuality, which is my WRTG 3020 topic.
Intersex and the Sex Binary
Intersex: Not to be Seen as a Problem
Intersexuality vs. The Gender Binary
Intersexuality and the Belief of Two Sexes
Landing Outside of the Sex Binary
"Fixing" an Intersex Person: Looking at Problems and Alternatives
Not the Size of the Boat but the Motion of the Ocean
Gender Identity and the Binary
Consequences of the Sex Binary
The Difference of Sex and Gender
Gender: As Simple As We Think?
Gender Identities: Who Are We?
Struggles with Self-Identification
Gender Binary Impacts Those Who Don't Fit the Mold
Transsexuality and the Sex/Gender Binary Problem
Living and Loving Without Labels
The Gender Binary: Problematic?
Outliers and the Consequences of the Gender Binary
Changing Labels for People not People for Labels
The Male/Female Dichotomy Dissected